We are also able to work on and amend existing consents for example discharging conditions or varying conditions.  Most planning permissions are subject to conditions which sometimes require further information to be submitted to, and approved by, the Council such as (but not limited to) access details, materials, ecology or drainage.  We can work with you to secure the required details or reports and apply to discharge conditions which complete your permission.  This is of particular importance with pre-commencement conditions which, as the name suggests, must be done prior to starting the development.

Some conditions are often seen that restrict a site to private use or changing opening hours of a facility and we can, with some sites, vary this via a condition variation application to allow wider use of a site based upon the facts of the case and the reasoning for the original condition.  Similarly, if you need to amend the approved design once you begin construction, we can also do non-material amendments to ensure the construction and permission both match up to avoid issues in the future with enforcement, future sale and value.