You wouldn’t buy a house if you couldn’t live in it, so why buy a site unless you have checked that your equestrian plans can be achieved there with the necessary permissions?  Whether you already own a site, or you are considering buying a site, we can provide development appraisals which will set out whether or not your aspirations can reasonably achieve planning permission and what would be required to get there.

Such appraisals can be a standalone service or lead into further planning application work on your behalf and are, in nearly all cases, carried out on a fixed fee basis. Our clear fee structure means that we offer rapid, and in some cases next day, turnaround depending on how fast you need your report. This can be particularly useful if, for example, you are about to buy land and need a faster response to make a decision and do some finances!

We work on a traffic light system which gives you a clear steer as to the likely chance of success and an outline of any issues which may occur.  Our role is to give you all the necessary information to make informed decisions on a site based upon clear information which we can discuss further with you if required.

Want to know more?  Click here to go to our news article about development appraisals in more detail!